Welcome to the Oceans Official blog site, here you will find frequent posts all focusing on the sombre reason as to why Oceans Official is here today.
Oceans is a company that was created to focus on the callous impact that plastic is having on our environment and especially the way it has affected the life that lives in the deep blue.
The reason behind Oceans Official
In summer 2018, what was planned to be a relaxing luxurious family trip to Bali for the Johnson Family soon turned into a realisation check as to where all the plastic used daily around the world ended up and the brutal impact it is constantly having on the ocean. Once the plastic is thrown away or 'recycled' it is scientifically proven that between 8 to 12 million tonnes of plastic then ends up in our oceans, throughout Britain it is worked out that over 16 million plastic bottles are thrown away every. single. day.
Each year more than 300 million tonnes of plastic is produced for us humans to use and around 10% of that plastic created then ends up in the water.
Our aim
Our aim for Oceans is to help raise awareness around the very current issue and ongoing problems the ocean faces due to the pollution and waste of plastic being dumped wherever it can, which is predominantly the ocean. We aspire to not only raise money to go towards helping clear up the mess we have caused, but to also bring people together and hopefully inspire people to change their ways of living to save the sea.
Plastic Oceans Foundation Partnership
The Plastic Ocean Foundation started up in 2009 by Jo Ruxton and Sonjia Norman when they had witnessed first hand the damage the lifestyle we live has so far impacted our environment and the damage it is causing to the ocean.
Oceans Official have been lucky enough to partner with The Plastic Ocean Foundation and 10% of all profits from whatever we sell goes towards the foundation that helps to clear up the waste in our oceans.
The products we make and where to find us
Will Johnson, a 20-year-old student at Sheffield Hallam University and the founder and owner of Oceans came up with the idea of selling jumpers and t-shirts that are all made from eco-friendly materials.
The company currently sells unisex T-shirts and Sweatshirts ranging from sizes S, M, L, XL and XXL, Oceans are also expanding by selling XS products in the near future. The garments have been made from 100% cotton and no plastic is used throughout the process of production, packaging and postage for each one produced.
We currently sell our products online through our website at www.oceansofficial.co.uk and also one small retailer in Macclesfield has bought into the brand and sell our products in their store known as John Douglas in Macclesfield.
Contact details:
Site - www.oceansofficial.co.uk
Email - oceans.enquiries@gmail.com
Instagram - Oceans__Official
Twitter - OceansOfficial_
Facebook - Oceans